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Lawn Care Program

Our lawn care programs are a perfectly timed combination of fertilization and weed control that will help your lawn reach its full potential.

Thomson Lawn Care Application 1
During our first visit, a granular fertilizer with annual grass and broadleaf weed preemergent will be applied. This application will assist with winter recovery and promote color. Post emergent broadleaf weed control will be applied as needed and as climatic conditions permit. A preliminary inspection will be done to evaluate the condition of your lawn and address any problems from the previous season.

Thomson Lawn Care Application 2
In the spring, a post emergent broadleaf weed control will be applied to address any existing weeds.

Thomson Lawn Care Application 3
In the early summer, a post emergent broadleaf, sedge and annual grass weed control will be applied to address any existing weeds. A thorough inspection of your lawn will be conducted again, to advise you of any potential problems that may need to be addressed.

Thomson Lawn Care Application 4
In mid to late summer post emergent weed control will be applied as needed to control any sedges, annual grasses and/or broadleaf weeds that may be present.

Thomson Lawn Care Application 5
Our last application of the year consists of a granular fertilizer that will promote root development and provide food storage for winter survival. Post emergent broadleaf weed control will be applied as needed on any remaining weeds. A final inspection of your lawn will be conducted, to evaluate progress through the year and future needs.

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